In Conversation with Luxury Travel Blogger Silverspoon London

We sit down with travel and lifestyle blogger, Angie at Silverspoon London, to discuss her favourite travel stories and life as a new mum during lockdown. Travel may not be on everyone’s agenda but we can still dream!

What made you start up Silverspoon?

I started SilverSpoon nearly seven years ago now. I’d just been made redundant from a job in marketing and I was looking for something new and I started writing my blog as part of another website I was developing as a freelance events manager. I’d always loved reading travel and restaurant blogs and I thought, well I’ve been to a lot of places, I could do this too!

It was actually about five months before I was due to get married and I would be changing my surname to Silver. So I brained-stormed blog names around the word Silver and I came up with ‘SilverSpoon. It was a eureka moment and said everything that I wanted to say about the blog. All about luxury lifestyle, food and travel

I enjoyed writing the blog so much, I separated it off from the other website and put my entire focus on that. At the time, I didn’t realise you could make a career out of blogging.

You have travelled around the world, please share with us the most unusual place you have visited and why?

The most amazing hotel I’ve ever stayed in was Giraffe Manor, you may have seen the photos. It’s the place in Nairobi Kenya where Giraffes join you for breakfast and afternoon tea! It’s more than that though as it’s attached to a sanctuary for endangered giraffes.

We’ve also stayed in a treehouse in Thailand over-looking an elephant sanctuary where you can see elephants have their showers in the morning, and a luxury tent in the middle of the desert where we watched the sunrise over Ayers Rock.

What was the most amazing city you have ever visited?

One of my favourite cities was Cape Town. I love places that have both city and beach… and Cape Town is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever been to. The scenery is spectacular and there are lots of different opportunities for seeing the most incredible flora and fauna. It’s only about a 45 minute drive to the Winelands too.

You have recently had baby Oscar, (big congratulations) have you been travelling with him yet and if so, what tips do you give to new mums?

Thank you so much!! Oscar has already been to four countries (he’s only ten months old!) and we were really hoping to take him on more travels before this all happened. My top tip is just do it!

We took Oscar to Ibiza when he was ten weeks old and I was really worried about the flight, him not sleeping in a new place, how much stuff we’d need to bring… but it was all fine, he was really adaptable (though I know not all babies are) and in terms of stuff to bring I’d say less is more. Bring as little as possible as it makes the travel easier.

The best thing we bought was a travel pram that makes it so easy to get through the airport, it can then be stowed in the overhead locker of the plane so that you have it ready when you land.

How has Covid-19 affected you and your work, especially in light of the travel bans?

We’re certainly not planning on travelling anytime soon though we will book a holiday in the UK at some point. Personally, I’m lucky that my blog isn’t solely focused on travel and I’ve been enjoying writing about lifestyle and motherhood and posting pictures from home.  

I could put together posts on old travels but honestly people just don’t seem that interested in reading about travel at the moment.  

You have the new Tusting Mini Holly – what do you like about it?

I find the small size really handy for my important bits! I have a big bag of toys, muslins and nappies for Oscar and then I can put my wallet, keys, phone and Oscar’s snacks in the Mini Holly so they’re easily accessible when I need them.

Shop the Mini Holly

When travel becomes available again what is the first destination on your list?

Since having Oscar my priorities have really changed. I will be changing my blog and focusing more on luxury family travel but with an emphasis on hotels that can be enjoyed by parents as much as by children. I’ve already been researching hotels that tick all the boxes and that I think would be suitable for Oscar.

Honestly, at the moment, I don’t mind where we go. I would choose somewhere that isn’t too long a flight, where we could have a nice room, a pool, good food and great weather for a week. Somewhere like Italy or Greece, they’re my two favourite countries. I’d also love to try Croatia or Montenegro for something a bit different.

Read more about Angie and her journey here