
tusting guarantee

Our Lifetime Commitment

Every one of our hand-crafted items comes complete with the TUSTING promise: that we’ll be here to help care for your bag for as long as you need us to be. You’ll enjoy our dedicated, personal customer service whenever you need it.

Our elegant, hard-wearing bags are made to last, accompanying you wherever life takes you and, with care, they will often still be going strong when you want to hand them to the next generation. We are confident that our bags are made to the highest standard, but if a fault occurs as a result of a defect in manufacture, we will repair (or replace) it free of charge. Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

The general wear and tear of life may mean that your bag might need some restoration at some point. We will always be happy to undertake repairs where possible and will quote according to the work required – if your bag needs a little help, please just Get In Touch.